Every year that I have been involved in FIRST, there has been a different “spare parts” rule. I would think, after so many years, we would be zeroing in on getting it right.
Before coming up with a rule, you should determine what function that rule is supposed to accomplish. Whatever, this needs to be consistent with the mission and goals of FIRST.
So, here’s some possible functions…
F.1. Constrain the time to build within the Build Phase.
F.2. Assure that teams maintain robot function during competition.
F.3. Encourage robustness in design.
Subject to the following constraints…
C.1. Encourage Safe Fabrication Practices.
C.2. Encourage Gracious Professionalism (i.e. discourage cheating).
Here is an attempt to satisfy these requirements…
D.1. The Build Phase is defined as the time between the Kick Off Date (1:00 pm EST on Jan. yy) and the Ship Date (5:00 pm local time on Feb. zz). All legal parts fabricated during the Build Phase must be shipped to a team’s first competition. A Bill of Materials (signed and notarized) must be shipped with the crate.
D.2. The Auxiliary Build Phase is defined as the three days PRIOR to ONE regional event. A Team may fabricate additional parts during this time period and bring them to the designated regional event. The Team must notify FIRST staff of their intentions five business days prior to the event. At the event, a Team representative must present an auxiliary bill of materials and the new parts to the designated FIRST New Parts Inspector (FNPI) prior to opening their crate. The FNPI will sign off on the new parts, retaining a copy for records, and allow the Team to break their crate seal and open their crate.
NOTE: If a team attends multiple events, it may only use one of them for the additional parts fabrication.
D.3. Additional parts may be fabricated on the event site in designated fabrication areas, such as the FIRST provided machine shop, the pits, the designated grinding and welding areas.
Mobile machine shops or local machine shops provided by Teams may be used for parts fabrication as an augmentation to the FIRST machine shop. Teams must provide their own insurance and make these facilities available to all teams through the queue maintained by FIRST. For off-site facilities, the Team providing the facility must also provide transportation to the facility.
NOTE: the wording on this is a bit rough. But, the idea is, Team provided shop facilities are incorporated into the existing FIRST machine shop. In other words, Teams would not get “privileged” access to their own facilities.
D.4. Bill of Materials
The cost of all legal parts and spares must cost less than $3000 and no purchased part or module may cost more than $400. A Bill of Materials must be provided (see above) with the crate that documents all parts and materials on the robot.
NOTE: this includes electronics parts, kit of parts parts, fabricated parts, etc. NO FABRICATION TIME is included in this total.