Anyone in CD land ever successfully modified a banebots transmission to remove a layer or two?
Anyone in CD land ever successfully modified a banebots transmission to remove a layer or two?
Yes, many times. It’s a piece of cake- you just need to know what you are doing with a lathe. Also check this out for how to keep them from grenading on you:
Be warned- they are very fragile!
And just so you don’t have to read through the posts by the skeptics - the output shaft mod as described worked flawlessly through our whole competition with no failures.
I got a reply from banebots - they said to buy a shorter ring gear and shorter screws and simply remove a stage!
Thanks for the help CDers!
You don’t need to buy anything- just turn the ring gear down on a lathe to shorten it and cut the screws down… No need wasting $$ and waiting a week for a new ring gear.
I second the DIY approach. In fact we took a stage out of 4 P80’s last gear for our drive train with an end mill (our lathe didn’t have the proper tools). They held up perfectly through two regionals.
Thanks guys!