Module Layout with the old 8 slot cRIO

We are having trouble finding which modules goes into which slots for the 2012 game. We have the old cRIO that has 8 slots. We tried the following:

  1. 9201 (Analog Breakout)
  2. 9403 (Digital Sidecar)
  3. 9472 (Solenoid Breakout)
  4. 9403
  5. Empty
  6. Empty
  7. Empty
  8. Empty

However, the motors do not move on the robot. Any help is appreciated!

No, you need to arrange it like this in order to work with this year’s firmware.

1. 9201 (Analog Breakout)
2. 9403 (Digital Sidecar)
3. 9472 (Solenoid Breakout)
4. Empty
5. Empty
6. 9403 (Digital module)
7. Empty
8. Empty

OK, so we changed it, now when we plug the sidecar in, two rows of lights come on that wasn’t on before (a row of all green and a row of all orangish-red). However, the motors still won’t turn.

Everything before used to work (the we could drive the robot and control it), then everything stopped working. So we realized it was some jaguar’s problems, and we switched it all with victors.

Now, we are measuring the voltage coming out of the digital sidecar and there is no voltage being produced.

OK, after a few weeks of going crazy, it turns out five jaguars broke was well as the sidecar.