MOEmentum: FYI First year Info

Here is a program that MOE is putting out on our site to all teams not just rookies, on the site each week there will be tips and other things that happen in all aspects of first there will be links to other help full things and contact info and lots of other great things. this will be up dated each week and much more will be added on to it.
We remember how hard it was to be a rookie in FIRST and we would like to extend out hand out to anyone in anyway we can. This Info base is what we have put together after 6+ years or FIRST experience of winning and loosing and everything in between. If there is anything that anyone would like to suggest please e-mail me at [email protected] or on the contacts part of our web site

Here is the link to the MOEmentum site

Good luck to everyone and I hope this is useful
to rookies and vets alike.

also if anyone has comments on it please let me know or post what you think so someother people might want to look.

For those of you who dont want to have to go to the web site to see what it is all about here is a little sample:
“Many teams have found their first year as a team to be rather challenging on several fronts. “MOEmentum: FYI” is our way of helping first-year teams progress through their first build and competition season. Each week, we will send an e-mail to 2005 first-year teams with a summary of the current week’s TIPs and resources along with links to the full text or document in this MOEmentum: FYI section of our team’s website. This information will be organized by time frame relative to the build season, and will be permanently archived for reference at any time of the year. Our next e-mail message will inform you when the website content will be available.”
And the tips include:


Once the kickoff hits, an army of roboteers will be mobilized in the Americas and overseas trying to determine how they can best build a robot to play this game. Lots of ideas and questions will be floating around. It will be advantageous for your team to be connected to this information barrage.

  • TIP
  • Assign at least one team member to check the Chief Delphi site ( daily (or even mulTIPle times per day) to process all the information which will be shared in the FIRST forums. This resource will be invaluable to your team going forward. All team members should know this site very well.
  • TIP
  • Sign up mulTIPle team members for the FIRST E-Mails Blasts which are sent. These will include the infamous TEAM UPDATES sent by FIRST to clarify rules and provide additional information. If only one person receives these, they may not be communicated to your team in the most efficient way. The TEAM UPDATES are archived under the DOCUMENTATION section of the FIRST Robotics website.
  • TIP
    S - The competition documentation should be available immediately or not long after kickoff. Make sure your team members know where to find it. Ensure someone on your team reviews the rules thoroughly. The time spent doing this will be worth it later.