Molex SL crimper in kop

Are there any news on the topic? Last I heard there were only rumors. Asking because it seems like it could go well with the Krakens.

And all of this can be yours for the low, low price of $25.99!

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I believe it was the original crimper, which is of much higher quality, and as such, much pricier


Iā€™m amused that you believe youā€™ll get a $530 crimper in the KOP. For what itā€™s worth, we havenā€™t had a single contact failure in the 7 seasons since weā€™ve used the inferior crimper.

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A. You can say the same about getting a $1000 discount on the Rio, or free Solidworks licensesā€¦
B. Iā€™ve heard many FRC mentors warn from knockoffs and praising the original.
Gtk there are other opinions though


I guard my Molex crimper with my life whenever I bring it to robotics. No $50 crimper can touch it. Accept no substitutes!


According to the reps at the Molex booth at worlds this year, thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s gonna happen.


Receiving the genuine Molex crimper as a donation would be amazing. I certainly wouldnā€™t complain if I found one in the KOP tote.


Now if only we knew if it was in the black tote or the season-specific boxā€¦ :face_with_monocle:

Letā€™s start by having a written statement assuring it would be included in any of them

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Assuming they are giving them, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if it was FIRSTChoice.

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If I recall correctly they were saying it would be some kind of voucher for one or something similar so you could pick the one that served your needs


Itā€™s not like those crimpers cost $350 to produce. Theyā€™re mass manufactured for several companies, with the only difference being the jaws. Having one in a KOP would probably be ā€œfreeā€ for Molex, as they could write off the sale cost from their taxes, which is probably enough to cover production. Probably?

I love official Molex crimpers. Knockoffs never come with the incredibly handy crimp holder/spacer.


Hi All. Evan from Molex here. Happy to see interest in our crimper :slight_smile: .

@Random_Guy1 is correct that we will have an option for providing crimpers this year which we were communicating at worlds. What weā€™ve done is put together a new bigger Molex ā€˜super-kitā€™ which contains the Molex Crimp Tool, the same PWM kit weā€™ve provided previously, and a new CAN kit.

We were only able to make 500 of the super-kits this year so unfortunately we are not able to provide them in the kit of parts. However, they will be available for free by requesting them through the FIRST page on our website. The link to request them will be in the QR code that is on the PWM and CAN kits that are provided in the KoP. I will also make a post here with the link when it is up. I expect that will be second week of December.


Will this link have some sort of team verification/limitation?

Super excited to see these going into the hands of teams! SLs are super versatile connectors for FRC but crimping without the right tools is difficult.

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Yes, we will be limiting to 1 kit per team.


Will these be available only to US teams or teams in areas such as Canada as well?


Good question. I donā€™t want to give incorrect information so let me double check and Iā€™ll get back to you tomorrow.


Okay, Iā€™ve confirmed that the kits will be available for international teams as well.


Does that mean that once the link will be up, the first 500 FRC teams to sign up would get the crimper to their door for free?