Posted by Andy Grady. [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]
Coach on team #42, P.A.R.T.S, from Alvirne High School and Daniel Webster College.
Posted on 3/5/2000 7:28 PM MST
Hello all,
I have recieved alot of feedback and intrest in the football tornement, and im pleased to say its official. The first ever FIRST All Star Football Tornement will be held on Wendesday night April 5th, at a time to be announced. It will be held at the All Star Music Resort. (Time and Exact place to be announced). One problem we do have is the fact that intrest in this game was a little too high. (40+ people running around could make for quite a handfull, and im sure would probably get me on Disneys bad side, especially condidering this isn’t an official event). So I have to regulate the ammount of people who play. If you are interested in playing, or you have teamates who are interested in playing i need you to e-mail me at [email protected], and let me know the names and number of people playing. Along with the team you are on. There will be a limit to 5 people at most per team interested. There will also be a limit of 32 people in all, with the first 32 names i get e-mailed to me getting in the games. The games themselves will be 5 on 5 with substitutes. (everyone on each team will get a chance to play an equal amount). There will be 4 teams who’s players will be drawn from a hat at random. The purpose of this is for everyone to get to meet the people they will be competing with over the next few days and work together to have some fun.
So once again, if you are interested e-mail me at [email protected], and give me the names and your team number. (please do not just post a reply here letting me know, because i need to get an organized list going)
Cya at competition,
Andy ‘scratch’ Grady