More Pictures & Movies of Team 121
Team 121 Rhode Warrior 6 BB
This is us on the ramp in Stacker mode
A similar picture to the last one
Rhode Warrior 6 BB retracted
Rhode Warrior 6 BB right before it is going to knock over the whole stack.
Picking up a box in stacker configuration (.MOV APX 2mb)
Unloading a 6 SHU stack (.MOV APX 2mb)
Rhode Warrior 6 BB in Autonomous Mode @ Quincy (.MOV APX 4mb)

We also have posted 2 pictures in the Gallery

some one did a nice job on that aluminum frame… ( thanks rick)

I don’t think I’ve seen a picture yet with students working on the bot. Nice bot though.

When I see a student working on the bot, I’ll be more amazed. But anyway, what’s up with the huge walker? Does your bot have interchangeable parts?

*Originally posted by JosephM *
**When I see a student working on the bot, I’ll be more amazed. But anyway, what’s up with the huge walker? Does your bot have interchangeable parts? **

I assure you that students have worked a lot on this robot. My hands can tell you the truth.

We have 2 configurations this year, the stacker and the BB. The stacker is the big aluminum frame, and the BB is the small bot. Both share the same chaises

Some of your bins look like they’ve been in some kind of shotgun duel!

*Originally posted by JosephM *
**When I see a student working on the bot, I’ll be more amazed. But anyway, what’s up with the huge walker? Does your bot have interchangeable parts? **

I think that if they have the bot inspected twice, once in each configuration, then its perfectly legal to switch them on and off. I would check up on that though…

*Originally posted by Solace *
**I think that if they have the bot inspected twice, once in each configuration, then its perfectly legal to switch them on and off. I would check up on that though… **

Yes it is legal, as long as you share the same chassis

well this is what happens when you have a kick @$$ robot. everyone assumes that its made by engineers. Lets look at 45, very professional looking, but clark gilbert will say that he and many others have worked on it. Personally im not that good at building stuff. I do easy stuff simple building. I come up with alot of ideas though. And if an engineer can find a way to impliment my idea, help me design it, MORE POWER TO US! so just remember when were stacken the boxen, that STUDENTS made it happen along side engineers. just look at the pic:

<sarcasm>Nuhu! Your engineers photoshoped in those kids!</sarcasm>

Really, good and crappy bots are made by only engineers. I’m just reporting on what I see. Don’t get all huffy about this. Chill a little. And sorry on my part if I seemed a little too negative.