I am wondering if anyone knows of any rules against running more than one PCM. I can’t seem to find anything that says different. If we can run more than one PCM, what do you do with the extra compressor and pressure switch controls in the software? Is there a way to disable it and only use the additional PCM as a valve controller only?
There are no rules against running more than one PCM, provided only one is connected to the bottom of the PDP. (You can have up to 3 on a single PDP Wago circuit.)
Don’t worry about the compressor circuit. If there’s nothing connected to the pressure switch input, the compressor power won’t be enabled, since the pressure switch is normally closed.
Two things for this
In Begin/initialization, you need to ensure your PCM with the compressor is identified as the one with it attached.
Remember to change the CAN ID number of the other PCMs on the robot so they are all unique.