What is the most ringers you have seen on the rack?
The most filled I have ever seen the rack is match 25 at Waterloo. 19 ringers on the rack, leaving only 5 spider legs empty. It was (Red) 1503, 1680, 771 vs. (Blue) 1114, 610, 1815. With the blue alliance scoring 12 ringers.
I’m watching the archives (dude, you did a great job getting these matches up so quickly!), and the same thing happened in match 38. 19 tubes on the rack. 10 for blue (1114, 188), 9 for red (854, 1503).
I don’t know which team(s), but I suspect this may have been Waterloo also. Maybe Paul or Karthik can enlighten us – watching the webcast it seemed to me that HP scoring was more frequent at Waterloo than at other events.
I lost count at some point during the weekend, but I’m pretty sure the HP from Team 1503 had at least five successful tosses during the weekend, if not more. I also think 610’s HP connected in three consecutive matches.
As far as human player scoring goes, I’m pretty sure our HP didnt exactly score the most over the course of the regional, but in LA he threw two ringers on in one match IN A ROW… Needless to say, even the judges and MC were impressed and came over to shake his hand - big shout out to Steven Prohaska (our HP)
Waterloo had over 20 ringers scored by human players. 6 of these were in the elimination rounds. Waterloo was absolutely amazing. The robots blew away all of my expectations for this small regional.
well i know its not the best score but figured i would say we put up 8 tubes by ourselves(including keeper) in one match at Buckeye.(sry i dont like to toot my own horn:( )
The most tubes on the rack in a single match I know of is 20. Qualification Match 98 on Galileo (116, 540, 1555 vs. 45, 1425, 1775). 9 ringers 1 keeper for red, 10 ringers for blue. Final Score 40-32 Blue (after a 10 point penalty for de-scoring on Red).