Most Ropes Inspected Award Goes to...

So how many ropes did your team have inspected? After having our first 5 ropes inspected we needed more rope and had to buy a different brand. It worked better so we had 6 more inspected.

Inspector: If you guys get one more rope inspected you will win the award for “most ropes presented for inspection”

Team Member: Challenge Accepted!

Inspector: No really, it’s ok not to win. You know its not an official award!

TEAM 447: Most Ropes Inspected

(in competition we had to cut 2 and loaded 10 uncut ropes back in the trailer)

I will start the contest at 11 ropes, let’s just say that we are still refining our design…

1983 got 18 roped inspected at load in and another 10 or so inspected on day 2 at Auburn Mountainview. They were cutting them off their robot after every match.

That will be hard to top!

Michael, I’m pretty sure at Hub City 935 wins the most inspected ropes contest. They got their ropes inspected so many times that it was a running joke with the inspectors. 935 would have to chime in to tell us exactly how many times their rope got inspected, but I’m pretty sure it was more than 11.