Motion magic feedforward not working

We are using motion magic with arbitrary feedforward for our arm with a custom gearbox, and the arm moves fine, but when it gets into position (horizontal) it stalls. The current draw on the falcon is around 3.75. We apply a varying FF depending on the angle, but when we set a constant FF of 0.07 (7%) the output of the motor is ~5%, and no matter how much we change the FF it is always that amount, even if we set an extreme large FF. Motion magic seems to be ignoring feedforward commands.

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Can you share your code?
Do you have current limiting enabled?

We are not using any form of current limiting; the motor doesn’t need to draw a lot of current to hold its position due to such a large gearbox reduction. We call set(ControlMode.MotionMagic, position, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, demandFF) when we set a new position. We have good acceleration and cruise velocity configs with good movement. The motor should just be holding its position without making that whining noise.

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