MotoMidwest Elims

#2 seed lost first match, but not that bad…they’ll recover - live web feed.


And #2 advances…

yep, 111 defends stack and 74 on hill


Oh no 71 falls over in the first match. 167 doing a great job of mowing the lawn.


what a competitive regional I must say.

Congratulations 45, 245, and 292!! It’s nice to see a couple of trophies come home to a couple of IndianaFIRST teams :cool: Awesome job and awesome regional. I wish I could have been there!!

Wow. Just wow… I agree, very intense regional. Lots of action packed matches. Thanks David, we worked pretty hard on our drivetrain, and all those long hours and sleepless nights pay off now. Special thanks to 45 and 245, our alliance partners. See everyone in Houston:D

Congrats to #45, 292, and 245! This alliance really put some power-packed matches into play today. The enthusiasm was tremendous!

Also, congratulations to Team #461 for their Chairman’s Award! It was well deserved!

Motorola Midwest was filled with excitement and memories. It’s great to see how many alumni from high schools went off and started their own teams. A lot of the rookies did very well, considering this regional’s difficulty. It was a lot of fun!

Let me add congrats to all the winning teams. Of the three regionals I have attended, this by far was the toughest, most agressive of the bunch.

The elims at the Midwest regional were some of the most exciting matches that i’ve ever participated in! PantherTech was awesome, and they truely deserved what they accomplished. Over the weekend they achieved: #1 seed, Motorola Quality Award, as well as Regional Champions! They were awesome and even ran in all six of the final matches, and performed nearly flawlessly every one! 245 was also an awesome alliance partner, we couldn’t have asked for a better team! If not for them, we probably would not have won the event. Thank you so much PantherTech, Adams Robotics, and all of the students and Mentors on 45 for making this happen! :slight_smile: :smiley:

I have to say that it was incredibly fun to drive in these elims. Thanks again to Teams 111 and 217 for picking us. It was incredibly aggravating when our robot went out of the field in autonomous and got disabled, but it was still a fun time. Hope to see you guys at nationals!

team 74 just once again wants to thank Wildstang (111) and the Thunderchickens (217) for picking us. We just caught some tough breaks in the semifinals in auotnomous…which sucked. Anyway, we’ll be at west michigan and we’ll try to be able to qualify for nationals there.

Special thanks to Wildstang’s drive team for being so awesome to us. We really liked how you guys worked with us in qualifying rounds, especially Waldo, for making that 8 stack. Even though it fell, it was still fun anyway. We hope to see you guys in Houston, you’re all awesome.

And to the thuderchickens, I believe that your alliance captain wanted one of our buttons (I’m sorry that I’m drawing a complete blank on her name) if we don’t qualify for nationals, just give us a mailing address and we’ll send them to you.

Thanks you guys, and look out for us at West Michigan!!!