Motor speed/blowing up

Has anyone had problems with any banbots 550 motors blowing up when u lower the speed in the programming.[RIGHT][/RIGHT]

Blowing up, as in exploding? I hope everybody was wearing safety glasses.

Seriously, if you want useful answers, you need to post useful information, such as:

  • what is the motor driving?

  • what is the gear ratio from the motor to the driven device?

  • if the driven device is an arm of some sort, do you have an estimate of the torque load on it ?

  • what was the %PWM command when this happened? how fast was the driven device moving (turning) when the motor “blew up”?

  • Jag or Vic ?

  • are the 550’s air vents properly vented?

  • anything else pertinent that you can think of

Current readings…

We’ll help, but only if we have some clues.