Mounting the rotation light

I need some feed back from veteran teams.

I thought that in the past I had seen the rotationg lights mounted upside down. I noticed that on the check list in team update #7 they require the light to be “mounted upright”.

It just looks so cool upside down :slight_smile:

I was hoping that upright could be rightside up and up side down, just not SIDEWAYS…

this is probably a useless post, but was hoping for some feedback.

If you really want to do that, better post a question on the FIRST message board. Even if mounting the light different than upright was allowed in the past years, they probably changed the rule for a reason. Nevertheless, the seven updates so far show that they can still correct the rules.
By the way, answers to posts on the message board usually take awfully long, you probably won’t have an answer until the robot is shipped. Think about mounteing the light upright and switching it at your first competition, provided that you are allowed to and have enough time.

Good luck!

thought about posting it on the message board, but i knew it would take a long while…

We can easily switch the orientation (rightside up or upside down)

Thanks for the input.

My team was wondering the same thing (whether or not we could place the light upside down). If you look at the checklist, it says that the light must be mounted vertically… we decided that meant you could technically mount it upsdide down but we decided that we wouldn’t risk it - vertically could be a bad way of saying rightside up… yea.

  • Katie