what exactly is MPLAB? I know that it’s a language that you can use for programming…and that there a different versions of it. Aside from that, I don’t have a clue about anything else about it. =S (sorry, im just looking for language possibilities for programming right now, a language’s pros and cons and such)

MPLAB is an IDE, Integrated Development Enviroment. Of course theres different versions of it, as you will find that with all things (look at java, what are they on right now, like release 9?). MPLAB is made to program innovation first controllers (correct me if i’m wrong). It uses the c programming language, so it isn’t its own seperate language. I think your only other option is EasyC… which is a graphically interfaced version.

You might want to read through that if your just getting started

Hope that helps

MPLAB is not a programming language. It is the development environment that comes with the FIRST kit of parts. Basically, it is a text editor with project management and syntax highlighting that integrates nicely with the MCC18 compiler. We use the C programming language to program the robot.

I suggest you go over to wikipedia and look up the definitions for IDE, C Programming Language, and Compiler.

MPLAB, as stated above, is an IDE, and It includes the compiler for the code too. It uses C programming, so unless if you’re going to use Easy C you’re going to have to learn how to program in C. I’d suggest learning C before the season starts, and getting a nice basis of it before trying Easy C as well. That way you’ll have a nice understanding of everything before the season starts, ya know? Plus there’s always more to learn, and getting a heads up on it will really help.

Extra info: MPLAB is made my Microchip technologies, and can be used in most C-based Interfaces, (i think )

Here is a link to the MPLAB Page on Microchip’s Site

MPLAB is, as has already been stated above many times, an IDE. It’s used my most teams who are not using Easy-C to program their robot.

MPLAB serves 2 main purposes. First, it is used to write the code itself. It is, effectively, just a text editor for this purpose.

It’s second, and more useful purpose, is as a compiles. If the compiler is installed, it can build your code. It takes your text, which means nothing to the RC, and makes it into a HEX file (and various outer file types along the way)

I do believe that there is a way to get Eclipse working, as well. I know that right now they’re working on improving it. So that is just another option.

Or VIM or another text editor providing you have the right makefiles. There is a thread somewhere around here for that.

Well… technically… not exactly. MPLAB itself is just an IDE, no more. The compiler, specifically C18 for our purposes, is what actually makes the code.

If you had some kind of issue with using MPLAB, you could write your code or word or edit or whatever text editor you want, and just call the compiler from the command line.

If you don’t like C18, HiTech (not to be confused with HiTec who makes airplane servos/receivers) also makes a compiler for embedded processors.

On the Eclipse subject… theoretically using that IDE should work since most of what an IDE is is a text editor as said before. And since you aren’t using an ICD or ICE there shouldn’t be any issues with interfacing with the debugger. Personally I like MPLAB but have used Eclipse as well… if you really want to try it I’ll bet it can be done.

If by MPLAB you mean C18 then yes you are correct as far as I know.

I use Microchip stuff around work and also for those fun weekend projects :rolleyes: soooo… if anybody needs any help/questions answered just post or hit me up.


There’s enough freeware editors that you should download one instead of trying to make Word work.

Also, I can almost guarantee that if you compile/link by hand, you will become discouraged and screw it up.

Just a word of warning: any alternative compiler you use will likely NOT be supported by us or IFI. (I know of no teams that don’t use MCC18.) If you do use it, it MUST be able to read libraries created by MCC18.

It’s not as hard as he makes it out to be:

  1. Get Eclipse
  2. Get the CDT (C/C++ Development Toolkit)
  3. an MCC18 toolchain plugin (prograid’s original)

Also, I’m one of the people working on improving Eclipse’s support of the MCC18.