Multi Game Robot - Thought Challenge

Hey y’all! I had an interesting thought this afternoon and wanted to see what ideas others could come up with.

If you had to pick a robot from any game, and make it compete in another game, which robot/games would you pick. The goal would be to maximize success in both games with minimal modifications. Ideally it would be able to pass inspection (ignoring fabrication rules).

254 2019 would be my pick.
With no modifications whatsoever, I imagine this robot could also pick up the 2018 cubes and have a good shot at gentle placement on the scale(with its turret+opening claw). It would be Hella quick, as well. This robot could also work well this year, placing lower hub cargo and possibly even climbing mid with its lift.
With some minimal modifications I can definitely also see it playing the 2011 and 2007 games very effectively.


Kitbot from any year to play any year

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The 2008 and 2014 game pieces were very similar, I’d guess many of the top launcher style robots from 2008 could play the 2014 game well.

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Massive size differences, though. 2014 would actually fit into most robots, 2008 wouldn’t.

2007 playing 2011, or vice versa. Probably vice versa due to ramps vs minibot launchers.

Any 2000 robot playing 2001 or 2004. 2004 playing 2000.

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2016 boulders and 2022 cargo are 10 and 9.5 inches in diameter, so id imagine you could probably get a 2022 bot to play 2016 and vice versa. Getting a 2022 bot under the low bar on the other hand…


This was my thought as well. The trajectory of the shot is a little different, but the climb (at least to mid) is very similar. The inspection rules are close.

Jack in the bot is probably low enough to get under almost any bar, but I have no idea because 2016 was well before my time.

You’re right, I hadn’t even thought of that. Both years have very similar robot rules. Robot height limit is 4ft4in vs 4ft6in. Extension limit is 15in vs 16in. 2016 hanger bar is 6ft4in, 2022 high bar is 6ft 3.625in. frame perimeter is both 120 in. You could honestly get a lot of 2016 bots to pass 2022 inspection.

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2910 this year is 24in tall. To get under the low bar you need to be <16in


I imagine many Power Up robots could perform quite well at Triple Play.
Same with Logomotion - Rack n Roll.

And those who want to go robot bowling in 2022 would have had fun in 2003


We resurrected our stronghold bot this season and it picks up and shoots cargo no problem. We had to shoot from about the launchpad to be able to get the cargo high enough to go into the hub. The main difference between this year and 2016 is the carrying limit. Most robots in 2016 could only carry 1 ball.

The 2007/2011 pairing would likely be pretty easy. Same with 2018 and 2019 (we actually were able to pick up cargo and score it in the rocket at kickoff).

Ain’t gotta go under the low bar to be good at 2016. It does help, but there were a number of competitive robots that physically could not.

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