Dear CD,
Last year we could use the drive station inputs to select multiple inputs for our various autonomous programs.
MY first attempt at reading the dash board boolean inputs in the Autonomous VI has not worked. Has anyone else figured out a way to select multiple programs from the dash board boolean inputs? Last year, the driver station inputs were latched at the beginning of the Autonomous time period.
Dear CD,
I solved this problem by reading the Dashboard Buttons in the Periodic.VI and saving them in a global variable. Then in the Autonomous.VI I read the global variable
I am zipping up the Dashboard and the Robot Project files for others to reference.
There are some not so subtle changes between the FRC2014 and FRC2015 software. It took me a while to add features to the FRC2015 software to operate similiarly. Here’s some items you might want to look at in the attached program.
The ability to select multiple (4) autonomous programs via the Dashboard buttons.
The ability to display string information from the teleop program (in this case, the program version, my name and RoboRavens 2).
The ability to program autonomous motor speed via the sliders in the dashboard. This allows rapid prototyping in autonomous without rebuilding and deploying the code. The dashboard slide scale was modified for a range of minus one to plus one versus the standard zero to five.
In the periodic VI I have added logic that allows the operator to modify the elevator motor position based on the joystick, gamepad buttons and a learn mode that allows the operator to learn (or reset) a position and output that value without the joystick. This was designed to allow the operator to adjust and “hold” the front tote elevator in a given position.
In order to operate properly you will need to deploy and run as startup the files. You will also need to build the Dashboard files and copy and paste all three created files in the Dashboard build directory into the Dashboard directory in a different location (C:\Program Files (x86)\FRC Dashboard) on my laptop.
2015 3548 (200 KB)
2015 FRC3548 Dashboard (483 KB)
2015 3548 (200 KB)
2015 FRC3548 Dashboard (483 KB)
It surprises me that you were unable to read the smart dashboard variables in the autonomous VI, but were able to read them in periodic tasks. Unlike the driver station inputs from year’s past, the Smart Dashboard variables should always be active.