Multiple Bags - Bag + Tag

I have read the rules, and perhaps I’m missing something but is there any rule that limits the number of bags we can use? For example, can we bag our robot in one bag, and all of our bumpers and spare parts and such in another bag?


  • Bochek

My understanding is that there is one bag and it came in your kit of parts:

Wherever I have seen reference to bag and tag in the rule book it has always been the singular “bag” not plural “bags”. I’m not an expert at bag’n’tag by any means, but I’m pretty confident that everything is to go in one large bag.


I know for fact you get multiple bags. However I read it as theres only 1 bag, and 1 bag only your allowed to bring.

Spare Parts aren’t required to be in the bag or the crate, since they’re “spare” (unless you have an entire second arm built, then thats pushing things).

As for bumpers, you could just include it with your with-holding allowance. The only issue is with this is if you plan on using your with-holding allowance to work on something sirius. If not leave the bumpers out and just claim it was with your with-holding. Our team did that last year, and plan on it again this year.

We are definatly using our witholding allowance for other things, My reason for asking is based simpily on ease of transportation.

You are required to take care of the transportation of your operator console, minibot, bumpers, and withholding allowance. if this means sticking it into your main robot bag, or another bag, or putting them in a 15’ by 15’ by 15’ crate, or having Superman fly them to your event, or … then that is allowed.

Where did you read that?

Minibot, bumpers, and batteries do not have to be bagged or crated up and shipped. In the past, we just threw our bumpers and a few batteries in the crate with the bot but this year were bag n tag so we are just bringing them separately.

I concur on the fact that the Minibot and batteries don’t have to be in the crate/bag, but the bumpers DO have to be shipped UNLESS they are going to be part of your withholding allowance (and they’ll be a pretty big chunk of it.)

Check rule R33 for what is excluded from the withholding allowance and while you will see the minibot, batteries and operator console on the list you will NOT see bumpers.

Your bumpers must be in the crate and shipped, OR in the bag and untouched as of midnight Tuesday. (Or built entirely at the event, or brought in as part of your withholding allowance.)


I’m not absolutely sure, but here’s my observations:
The rules make no mention of bumpers being required to be in the bag, nor do they say anything about the bumpers not being part of the withholding allowance’s weight.

Note R33 and the definition of Withholding Allowance in the glossary.

If I missed something, let me know, but the bumpers are really not mentioned at all, it seems.

I was told that during the senior mentors telecon on Bag and Tag, it was suggested to use two bags. You can listen to it yourself.

Bagging is the same as shipping - the bag is just a cheap, flexible crate. You have to ship your bumpers with your robot (assuming you don’t use your withholding allowance for them), so you must bag them. The only thing that is explicitly exempted from the 30 lbs that may remain outside of the bag (crate) is the Operator Console.

Hints for ease of transportation:

If your bumpers are segmented (an individual piece for every side of the robot), just toss them on top of the robot and bag it, problem solved.

If your bumpers are in one “continuous” piece, either a) leave them on the robot (the maximum robot length and width is 28x38 to allow it to fit through standard doorways with the bumpers on), or b) tilt them so that they don’t lay parallel to the floor, but they’re still supported by the robot. If you go with option a), DO NOT lift the bot by the bumpers. Lift from the bottom of the frame.

Thank you, that is exactly what i was looking for!

eek, I should probably read up on that. Sorry!

What I meant to say was as I read all the documents, and bag was always used in singular form, so I just thought you could only have 1 bag.

I’ve since gone back and looked everywhere, and I can’t find a definitive answer on whether we can use more then 1 bag. I think our best bet would be to post on the Q&A about this.

Edit: However I would like to add again that it is possible that you can get away without using 2 bags in most cases.