This year, our chassis team wants to use the new NEO brushless motors for the chassis and us controls members were wondering if we could use 2 types of motor controllers on the same CAN bus. We use mostly CAN Talons on our team and need to add Spark MAX controllers for the NEO motors. We don’t want to put too much money into buying a full robot worth of Spark MAX controllers. So could we use a single CAN bus to control both Talons SRXs and Spark MAXs?
You can control dozens of devices on the CAN Bus and that includes different types of motor controllers, like the Talon SRX and Victor SPXs last year. So you will be able to use Spark Max and Talon SRX on the same bus.
Ok that’s great, a few hundred bucks and time saved.
That’s kind of the whole point of having CAN…