multiple motors to a speed controller?

Are we allowed to connect more than one motor to a victor or jaguar? I looked through section 8 of the manual, and I couldn’t find anywhere where it said either way. Does anybody know?

One motor per controller - end of story.

See R54

More specific.

<R48> Each power-regulating device (speed controller or relay module) shall control one and only one electrical load (motor, actuator or compressor).

My team was going to run 3 motors on one jag, but when we re-read the rules, and found <R48> the control systems mentors threw a hissy fit…

oh well, they now have 4 jags, 2 spikes and a victor, in stead of 3 jags, and 2 spikes…

even so, FIRST is just trying to make sure we don’t overload the speed controllers, which won’t happen this year, but in previous years, when it was possible to get a CIM to draw 60 amps (put 2 cims on a toughbox with ultra-high traction tires on carpet stalling against a wall, they go above 60) they you might have a problem, but this year, we don’t have the traction necesary to stall the cims, and i doubt any other motors will ever draw near that much.


I do agree that only one load can be connected to a victor or jaguar… however i’d like to state one thing. <R54> has nothing to do with this question since even if you were to try powering 2 loads through a controller both would be

connected to one Victor or Jaguar speed controller.

Don’t forget that a motor will draw its stall current when it first starts to move. It is almost for a moment, but it is still a bit of a doozy.

It’s always possible for your gearbox to get hosed and stall your motor.