Durning the end of the game when you are lifting/or being lifted other robots does you entire mechanism stay behind the home zone line?
ex. if i have a ramp that streches out pass the line would it still be legal
Ok maybe i have to further explain i understand once in home zone you have no limit to expansion, but what if i had a ramp that when fully out was less than 72’’ but the start of the ramp was pass the line but the robot wheels are inside. Would i still get points for lifting the other robots
Well thank you all, i guess we will have to re-think how we are going to park in home zone.
It’s the lifted robot which earn the points, not the lifting one. <G56> says the bonus is awarded to a robot if it is entirely within its home zone (and high enough, and not touching the field). The location of any robot not high enough to receive bonus points is unimportant.
That would be a different ball of wax. <G56> only talks about the robots being lifted. It doesn’t say anything regarding the lifter, so I would interpret it as legal. You may want to have your expert submit a question to Q&A to be sure, though.
o when reading the rules i didn’t really look at like that, thanks. So i guess it wouldn’t matter if the ramp was or was not in home zone as long as the lifted robot is
Yes but your ramp cant be considered a wedge. Wedges can only be inside the home zone.
Wrong! Two problems:
-Ramp: Outside of home zone, any surface more than 10 degrees from vertical is outlawed (<R05>). Your ramps may not leave the home zone while deployed.
-Size: If your ramp structure is longer than 6 feet in any direction (or is bigger that a 6’x6’ box), you may not deploy it outside of home zone. You may be up to the size of the home zone, but only if you are completely within the home zone. (See Section 8.)
you are correct, thank you all for helping me get to the bottom of this
I hope this answers your question.
<R12> Once the match has started, the ROBOT may assume a PLAYING CONFIGURATION that
exceeds the size dimensions specified in Rule <R07>. While outside of its HOME ZONE, a
ROBOT may expand up to a maximum width of 72 inches and depth of 72 inches. While
entirely inside of its own HOME ZONE, there is no limit to the maximum width or depth of
the ROBOT, as long as it remains entirely within the HOME ZONE. There are no height
limits for a ROBOT in its PLAYING CONFIGURATION at any time after the start of the
match (other than those naturally created by the ceiling height of the competition venue).
If the ramp bot exceeds the 72 inch foot print while outside the end zone, then it is in violation of <R12>. However, none of the “8.3.2 Robot Physical Rules” explain the penality for a violation. I would assume it should be a DQ. The question remains whether the alliance can get points for mounting a robot that is in violation of the Robot Physical Rules.