my design/sketch is done anyone else?

Posted by Brian Savitt at 1/6/2001 7:27 PM EST

Student on team #56, Robbe Xtreme, from Bound Brook High School and Ethicon Inc…

I just wanted to see how everyone is handling the game and see if anyone else has thought of their concept or prototype yet…


P.S. sorry if it seems like I am bragging, I am not its just that I am very pumped and ready for the season and be kind this is my first post with picture…

Posted by bill whitley at 1/6/2001 7:38 PM EST

Student on team #70, Auto City Bandits, from Powers Catholic High School and Kettering University.

In Reply to: my design/sketch is done anyone else?
Posted by Brian Savitt on 1/6/2001 7:27 PM EST:

Our team has not discussed it yet, however. I think many of us have ideas in their heads. I have a pretty good idea of what I’d like our robot to look like.


Posted by colleen – T190 at 1/6/2001 8:01 PM EST

Engineer on team #190, Gompei, from Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science and WPI.

In Reply to: my design/sketch is done anyone else?
Posted by Brian Savitt on 1/6/2001 7:27 PM EST:

i start thinking one thing… than change it around… then a better idea comes…

ahhhh… but that’s what this initial part of the process is about right!!!

guess we’ll see a little more when we have our team meeting tomorrow…

gl everyone!


Posted by Veronica at 1/6/2001 10:02 PM EST

Student on team #27, Team Rush, from Osmtech and Textron.

In Reply to: Re: my design/sketch is done anyone else?
Posted by colleen – T190 on 1/6/2001 8:01 PM EST:

: me too my mind is racing with ideas i was so excited that in the car on the way home from our kick off meeting i was talkin so fast about the game that my mom could not even understand me. then i my fingers could not keep up with my mind as i was discussing this with friends online!! I think i have a really great idea, but then i hear somthing else or understand a rule a little better and it all changes! All part of the fun

i start thinking one thing… than change it around… then a better idea comes…

: ahhhh… but that’s what this initial part of the process is about right!!!

: guess we’ll see a little more when we have our team meeting tomorrow…

: gl everyone!

: --colleen

Posted by Travis Covington at 1/7/2001 1:42 AM EST

Student on team #115, MV ROBOTICS, from Monta Vista High School and Hitachi Data Systems - 3com - NASA Ames.

In Reply to: Re: my design/sketch is done anyone else?
Posted by Veronica on 1/6/2001 10:02 PM EST:

so far our team has about…hmmm i think i lost count as to how many designs

i think its around 8 hundred and eleventeen and growing quickly…:wink:


Posted by Nate Smith at 1/7/2001 11:54 AM EST

Other on team #66, GM Powertrain/Willow Run HS, from Eastern Michigan University and GM Powertrain.

In Reply to: my design/sketch is done anyone else?
Posted by Brian Savitt on 1/6/2001 7:27 PM EST:

: Hey
: I just wanted to see how everyone is handling the game and see if anyone else has thought of their concept or prototype yet…

: Brian

: P.S. sorry if it seems like I am bragging, I am not its just that I am very pumped and ready for the season and be kind this is my first post with picture…

I’ve got an idea in my head already for how to go over the bar, rather than the bridge…so we’ll see what happens when we have our brainstorming sessions over the next couple of days…
