my first time programming

i want to practice programming so next year i can program our robot for frc competition. does anyone know a website where i can learn all of the features to program the onboard controller myself?

There’s tons of stuff right here on CD to help with programming.

If you need any other help just PM

Or post here! We’d be glad to help!

Welcome to Chief Delphi. We hope you enjoy your stay.


Be forewarned that programming next year’s robot controller is likely to be a very different experience from years past, as FIRST is moving to an entirely new system. The details have not been released, but there are several rumors floating around here on CD. Word is that we will get the details no later than the Championships in Atlanta next month, so stay tuned!

However, it’s never a bad idea to learn C (and maybe C++), as it is still widely used in business and industry, and the knowledge will serve you well next year and into the future.

Good luck!

Robot programming is not that hard as a matter of fact, Kevin Watson and all those who have made libraries, have made it very easy to program. You should learn some basic C and then code a very simple program.
The main thing that you will need to get used to is where to place your code within the numerous files Kevin Watson and others have written.

First place to start is to get acquainted with C. Many tutorials online or else go to B&N and sit there for an hour or two and read the book or simply buy a book.

Anyother help PM me.

ok. is c++ used on websites also? because if it is then i know very little becasue i customized my myspace by cut and paste and trial and error. and if i make just a program to run autonomous will it affect the joystick controllers or do i have to program them to? just a little update- i just got back from our first competition day. we are 11th place with a good chance of making top 5 maybe!

HTML, javscript and XML are typically used on webpages. MySpace modding is generally HTML and javascript. This is absolutely nothing like C or C++.

If you have the time, I’d recommend trying a simpler language, like BASIC, just to get the feel of a program flow. Then you can start on C, and maybe eventually C++

My 2 cents,

P.S. I’d be glad to help you with any of this.

Another thing i would like to ask is do you know how to program the robot controller to read the pressure switch to the pneumatic system? i’ve done all of the pneumatics but its not good for inspections… they let us pass because it works good but they recommend that we use the robot controller.

I’m REALLY surprised they let you pass inspection.

If you want to get started writing a simple program, fire up easyC. In the initialize block, you can put in the pressure switch (found under Outputs). This will take care of everything for you.


Have you gone to your competiton yet? if so, how are you guys doing?

Second Jacob’s idea, try using EasyC.

Other than that what are you using right now to program the robot?

I’m using Kevin Watson’s code.

Thing about the Pressure Switch, is that whenever the Pressure gets ablve a certain point it sends a signal out to the RC (there should be a connection between the Pressure Switch and the RC). What you do is you check and see if this signal is on (usually a 1) or off (a 0). When its on you will want to turn off the compressor.

The pressure switch is a digital input and the compressor is a relay output.

Figure out which port number for your compressor and pressure switch.
Then using Kevin Watson’s code, where XX stands for your port number

relayXX_fwd = !rc_dig_inXX;
relayXX_rev = 0;

Hope that helps!

the robot controller uses C but there are similar programming languages, i recommend this is a interactive tutorial that you download that teaches you Ruby but is good for learning basic programming

although i like the idea of learning through easyC

learning through easyc is still hard because overall what i want to program is the autonomous code, the pressure switch, to control the driving with one joystick, and stuff like that but i dont know how to use the integers and stuff in that catagory.

It would probably be a good idea to use easyC for this year at least, just as you learn. It lets you see whats going on in the code, but it also lets someone inexperienced in programming see the general flow of the program, and the code that goes along with that flow. At the same time, though, I highly suggest actively trying to read up on how to program in C, and try to understand why the code works the way it does. Trust me, once you get the hang of it, programming by hand is a whole lot funner than using easyC. I found to be fairly helpful when I got started. I think about the 9th post down has a link to a good tutorial to learn the basics of C. Have fun and good luck at the competitions!

man this easyc is actually easy thanks guys for all your help! if i still need help ill come ask you