Hello, I am having some difficulties connecting my laptop to the robot to upload code. Here is some information:
My computer is a Asus Transformer Book T100 running Windows 8.1
Our team is using Eclipse to program in Java
Every other laptop on my team has been able to upload code, including other laptops running Windows 8.1
I have installed and reinstalled the NI Update Suite several times to get the MDNS software
Using the driver station software, I can connect to the roborio and enable, disable, look at joystick inputs, etc.
When I ping roborio-2220.local, I get back a result saying that I am connected
I don’t have the exact error with me right now, but it says something along the lines of Assertion Failed Boolean Test, and that MDNS connection failed
My firewall has been turned off
Is there something that I am missing? Thanks in advance for your help.
The roboRio is connected, the team number is set, and power cycling does not help, and when I try to upload and fail, other people are able to upload immediately after I fail
Buildfile: C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\build.xml
Trying to override old definition of task classloader
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\build
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\dist
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\build
[echo] [athena-compile] Compiling src with classpath=C:\Users\***/wpilib/java/current/lib/WPILib.jar:C:\Users\***/wpilib/java/current/lib/NetworkTables.jar to build
[javac] Compiling 33 source files to C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\build
[echo] [athena-jar] Making jar dist/FRCUserProgram.jar.
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\dist
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\build\jars
[echo] [athena-jar] Copying jars from C:\Users\***/wpilib/java/current/lib/WPILib.jar:C:\Users\***/wpilib/java/current/lib/NetworkTables.jar to build/jars.
[copy] Copying 2 files to C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\build\jars
[jar] Building jar: C:\Users\***\git\BlueTwilightRobot2015\dist\FRCUserProgram.jar
[echo] Trying Target: roboRIO-2200.local
Unknown host: roboRIO-2200.local
[echo] roboRIO not found via mDNS, falling back to static USB
[echo] roboRIO not found via USB, falling back to static address of
C:\Users\***\wpilib\java\current\ant\build.xml:45: Assertion failed boolean test.
roboRIO not found, please check that the roboRIO is connected, imaged and that the team number is set properly in Eclipse
Total time: 15 seconds
Hi, when I go to my team number in preferences, it is 2220, but when I click restore defaults, it changes my number to 2200. I think that this is because when I first typed in my team number, I made a typo, and typed 2200 instead of 2220.
I tried changing my team number multiple times, and it always gives me an ArrayOutOfBoundsException, and it sometimes gives me an Unhandled event loop exception as well.
Is there a way I can change my default team to 2220?