I’m disappointed with the move from Walt Disney World. But, by nature, there aren’t many places that I would prefer over Walt Disney World.
Trying to see things as a spectator, I can’t yet see if Houston is appealing enough to warrant scheduling my vacation around the Championship. My team is not attending, so it is my vacation. I’m amazed that people might call my dedication to the program into question given that I’d even consider going to the Championship as my vacation. In reality, I have others interests outside of FIRST, and they compete a lot for my attention.
I think I agree with Elgin in that it isn’t so much the desparate opinion that ruffles feathers, but how many times it’s posted. Write one or two well-conceived posts and leave it at that. Everyone knows you don’t like Houston. You’re not alone, and I value the ability to understand why people are unhappy with location.
No, we certainly can’t change where it is this year, but that doesn’t mean that FIRST isn’t listening for our reaction. I’m not happy with the choice of venue, and I think that everyone should be heard. Let first make an informed decision. Let FIRST understand what may need improvement now and in the future.
I don’t think the free exchange of thoughts is at all unprofessional or ungracious. I enjoy it, so long as it’s not repetitive or personal.
I’ve said before that I think the competition will be outstanding. It always is, and it’s precisely because it’s populated by thousands of people who enjoy what happens there. For the rest of us - those who don’t value competition as much as other aspects of the program - there should be other things that maintain our interest. So far, I don’t see that in Houston. I see a new venue that focuses on competition heavily. I see very little, for me, that can counter that and reduce the stress of being in that environment.
So, sorry for ranting. I don’t it’s that people can’t tolerate dissenting opinions, exactly, but that repeating them isn’t necessary. I think FIRST is too complex in purpose and meaning to really effectively determine whether someone’s involvement is just, reasoned or debasing, and I think that we should all carry on expressing our opinions because that exchange of ideas, opinions and information is the only thing that, in my mind, really spurs innovation.
Agreement leads to stagnation. Stagnation leads to death.