My Problem With Chiefdelphi...

As some might know, I am vocal about my opinions. But when I came to the locations of the Nats, I wasn’t every happy. But the big problem I have is the CD community. People can criticise Segway, the kit of parts, the play, and other things, but when I criticise the location of the Nationals, I am called names and people said things like ‘your in FIRST for the wrong reason’ and ‘you are in it for the trip’ and ‘can you look at anything positive?’. I feel that the community has gotten sharp about this topic. I’m not starting another thread about the location of the Nats and how I don’t like it, but a complaint about the gracious profesonalism of the boards. Me being flamed by over 10 people with multipule posts is very hurtfull and unappropreate. I think we should look at what these boards are about and stop this mass slaying of the FIRST name of friendship, love, and gracious professionalism.

Thank You,



In my opinion it wasn’t what exactly you said but how many times you said it!!!
If you didn’t post something in a thread every half an hour or so I don’t think it would have been that bad!

Just my 2 cents, hope that’s what you were looking for!

Hey, i think you get what you deserve. Yes, the replies were hurtful, but come on, F.I.R.S.T. did its best job to find what they thought would be the best place. You are criticizing F.I.R.S.T.; you should be thankful that you have the oppertunity to be involved with such a wonderful program such as this.

Well, being on the adult side of things these days, I view it as a disregard for “gracious professionalism” when everyone complains about the location of nationals. I know the students put in an enormous amount of work to this project, but the adults do even more - many of us put in 40+ hours a week in addition to working 40+ hours at our jobs. It makes me feel like all the effort we’re putting in isn’t worth it, because people are more interested in the field trip aspect than in learning from us.

Many people here feel very strongly about this particular issue and unfortunately that has the tendency to cause a heated discussion which usually results in one or both sides being offended.

Anyway my point is that while you feel that you were not treated with gracious professionalism, some of us on the other side of the debate are feeling the same thing.

Being on the other side, I’m probably part of the reason you feel you were not treated nicely and for that I apologize.

I’m disappointed with the move from Walt Disney World. But, by nature, there aren’t many places that I would prefer over Walt Disney World.

Trying to see things as a spectator, I can’t yet see if Houston is appealing enough to warrant scheduling my vacation around the Championship. My team is not attending, so it is my vacation. I’m amazed that people might call my dedication to the program into question given that I’d even consider going to the Championship as my vacation. In reality, I have others interests outside of FIRST, and they compete a lot for my attention.

I think I agree with Elgin in that it isn’t so much the desparate opinion that ruffles feathers, but how many times it’s posted. Write one or two well-conceived posts and leave it at that. Everyone knows you don’t like Houston. You’re not alone, and I value the ability to understand why people are unhappy with location.

No, we certainly can’t change where it is this year, but that doesn’t mean that FIRST isn’t listening for our reaction. I’m not happy with the choice of venue, and I think that everyone should be heard. Let first make an informed decision. Let FIRST understand what may need improvement now and in the future.

I don’t think the free exchange of thoughts is at all unprofessional or ungracious. I enjoy it, so long as it’s not repetitive or personal.

I’ve said before that I think the competition will be outstanding. It always is, and it’s precisely because it’s populated by thousands of people who enjoy what happens there. For the rest of us - those who don’t value competition as much as other aspects of the program - there should be other things that maintain our interest. So far, I don’t see that in Houston. I see a new venue that focuses on competition heavily. I see very little, for me, that can counter that and reduce the stress of being in that environment.

So, sorry for ranting. I don’t it’s that people can’t tolerate dissenting opinions, exactly, but that repeating them isn’t necessary. I think FIRST is too complex in purpose and meaning to really effectively determine whether someone’s involvement is just, reasoned or debasing, and I think that we should all carry on expressing our opinions because that exchange of ideas, opinions and information is the only thing that, in my mind, really spurs innovation.

Agreement leads to stagnation. Stagnation leads to death.

I agree with you, people on this board can be just rude. I am surprised another board hasent poped-up thats a little more layed-back.

It seems to me that those who have voiced such opposition to the move are a little quick to judge…

I say let’s experience the Houston Nats before we pass judgement … Who knows, it may even be better …

Someone should start a thread about what this venue change offers us in the way of improvements to the whole Nat’s experience.

Like …

  1. All indoors - No weather problems.
  2. All indoors - Air Conditioning.
  3. Less Expensive - More teams/members can participate
  4. Maybe we can get back to everyone attending Nat’s.


I mentioned “For those of you out there who are going to the Championship Event for rides…” in my reply in the championship event announcement thread, But I certainly was not talking about you, or anyone particularly on this board.

Believe me, there are people out there who went to Disney just for the rides, I’ve met them in all 4 years I’ve been in FIRST. If you know you aren’t one of them, then you shouldn’t felt accused. If it came out that way, I apologize. But hey, it shouldn’t matter what others think about you, as long as you know who you really are.

Not many of us have met you in person, and the only things we can use to see what kind of person you are are the posts you made on these board. And I don’t think you are going to get nice responds if you keep using #%#%#%'s. If you take a look at other threads you were involved in, when you didn’t use #%#%#%‘s to insult theme parks, others didn’t call you names or say bad things about you. If you want others to respect your opinions, you got to respect others’ opinion first. Every time you choose to say

“Anyway, Huston is at the breaking point when FIRST comes. Tansportation, entertainment, food, etc. I predict a HUGE catastrophy when it comes to all of those.”

and act like you are not going to listen to other’s opinion/reasons, then other people are going to act exactly like you did.

Look at people like Andy Baker, and Dave Lavery, and many other major posters in the board. They are all willing to share their opinions, listen to others, and are great representation of “friendship, love, and gracious professionalism” in FIRST. From time to time they have opinions different from the group, and yet no one have call them names or say bad things about them.

Mean while, I thank you for posting a different point of view in the issue of Championship Event. Its nice to see different voices on this forum… It makes the discussions much more interested and not one sided. I really do encourage you to stick around and keep sharing your opinions in the board. There are a lot of other good posters ready to talk to everyone else once build period start about interesting topics. I really hope to see you part of those interesting discussions when time comes. After all, you sounds like you’ve been around the FIRST competition for a while, and have lots of great perspective and point of view about everything in it.

*Originally posted by Ed Sparks *
It seems to me that those who have voiced such opposition to the move are a little quick to judge…

Didn’t a similar thing happened when alliances were announced? Maybe it was something else – I forget exactly.


Bah. Give it a chance – see if it works or not – and THEN complain, criticize, and suggest ways to make it better, if needed.

Ok, thanks everyone for posting. I felt it was a problem to be discussed. While my actions reflect on my idea that Disney was ideal, I can also be flexable and should have been. My main problem was with FIRST and this:

The “Super Bowl of Smarts” comes to the home of the 2004 Super Bowl! Imagine the exhilaration of putting your brainpower and robot “muscle” to the test when you compete in the action-packed final elimination rounds in the newest state of the art, high-tech domed stadium in the NFL.

Dosn’t sound like the FIRST I know.

And to add towards my stuborness sometimes: Sorry. It’s one of my bad trates.

And if anyone wants to meet, I might be at the VCU kick-off.

JosephM, the city is spelled Houston. Despite what many people think, spelling is important. :rolleyes:

*Originally posted by Mr Obnoxious *
**JosephM, the city is spelled Houston. Despite what many people think, spelling is important. :rolleyes: **

Yes yes yes. I know. I have had a hard time with spelling, so be patient…

Ok, I understand, I just think you should correct it on your team’s forum site.

*Originally posted by JosephM *
**And if anyone wants to meet, I might be at the VCU kick-off. **

Well, if I’m one of the ones allowed to go, I will definitely be there! And I will be at the VCU regional also!

I can’t wait to meet a bunch of the people on here that I’ve talked to.

About the spelling thing, you could always copy-paste your replies into your word processing program and spell-check them.

Or we could all chip in and buy you one of those handheld spell-checkers for Christmas! :wink:

*Originally posted by Johca_Gaorl *
**Or we could all chip in and buy you one of those handheld spell-checkers for Christmas! :wink: **

Owww… you too kind! :smiley: :wink:

*Originally posted by Johca_Gaorl *
**About the spelling thing, you could always copy-paste your replies into your word processing program and spell-check them.

Or we could all chip in and buy you one of those handheld spell-checkers for Christmas! :wink: **

I am willing to chip in too! hehe… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually don’t worry too much about the spelling thing. People have too much time if they keep checking others’ spelling. People should be able to win arguments just by having good reasons and proves… Tsk Tsk.

I use microsoft Word all the time to double check spellings. Its a great way to help learn the correct ways to spell words… That and having done so many posts on this board. Practice make perfect. :wink:

About the spelling thing, you could always copy-paste your replies into your word processing program and spell-check them.

Yes spellling is very important and so is grammer.

*Originally posted by wysiswyg *
**Yes spellling is very important and so is grammer. **


(just noting the irony)

*Originally posted by M. Krass *

(just noting the irony) **

I also posted about the irony but deleted because I’m pretty sure it was intentional since there were three ‘L’s’ in spelling.

Anyway, I hate to sound redundant but I do think that proper spelling and grammar will aid in conveying your point of view. It’s really distracting when you have to figure out what someone is trying to say, or if you’re a nitpicky English person like me (hey, I was an English major for 6 weeks) and spelling and grammatical mistakes dirve you insane. Presentation is important in our world, why do you think lawyers dress in business suits in court? Even the most convincing lawyer may not be taken seriously no matter how intelligent his arguments are if he’s wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

So, JosephM, I think its really great that you’re not afraid of voicing your opinions, but sometimes the way it may come across to some people may detract from your main point. This goes for everyone else too, I think this is how the “Should we bomb Iraq” thread got out of control. Much of the time it wasn’t necessarily the the content that was offensive but the condescending tone and harsh diction. Wow, I can’t believe I just analyzed the style of writing on CD boards, I really do need an English class again and no more science!

I’m not sure if it was intentional, but you spelled Segway wrong in your picture caption, Joe.