It looks like this thread is splitting itself right down the middle, between two conversations.
I am changing some of the things that I said in the article and I want to change them before I post it anywhere else. That includes some of the things about Google. Again, I used Google as an example of what a page would look like if it had too much white space. I later added that they had good reason for doing so. This also further provides the idea because what is the purpose for having the white space? To direct your attention to the search box, right? Why did I say not to use white space? Because it focuses the user’s attention on a specific part of the screen and not on the entire web page as a whole. Also, there are always exceptions, like when you are purposely trying to direct attention to a specific part of the screen, leaving white space is good. By the way, white space, in this context, doesn’t have to be white; it can be any color.
I will clarify what I meant by the addition of the themes in just a second, since someone brought up a great point! Yes, I agree that content, navigation, etc. are important parts of web design as well, however, this whole theory only applies to the first few seconds that the page is loaded in, with the exception of the thing about themes. I said that IA doesn’t always determine the feeling that someone would get about your website. For example, someone can get a very bad feeling, but continue using the website. They may later decide that it has everything that they need and be the best site ever, but without that great IA, some users may not use the website because they got a negative feeling and found a better website with the same information and resources.
Please remember that this report, theory, whatever, is relating to how the human brain reacts to websites. I know that sometimes you don’t care or sometimes there is no way around it, or that people use it anyways, but I am just trying to find a reason that intro videos tend to detract from the website, as well as, bright backgrounds and crazy fonts. That is why Google can get away with leaving the blank space, because everyone uses it anyways, since they already know that it is useful and works really well. They don’t care about the IA because they know that everyone else uses it and it works for them.
Now I will clarify the themes idea. A user will generally get a new feeling from IA every time there is a major change, kind of like a voice-activated microphone. (It records when there is a major change in sound.) If the transition between two pages is smooth and mild, they won’t change their feeling. If you click a link and the screen changes drastically, you will change your feeling from the IA. This can explain why it is good to use a common theme on all of the pages on your website. If the person had a positive feeling, they click on a link, it takes them to the worst example of proper IA, and it has a common theme with the previous page, they won’t change their feeling about the website, unless of course the content and navigation is so bad they change it anyways. This can also work against you; if the person gets a negative feeling and the next page is a lot better, and has a common theme. They can carry their negative feeling straight through.
The other conversation is about the spelling/grammer issue. I will take the time to actually spell check this post using this Chiefdelphi spell check program, which I never really noticed. My little report there was meant to be an informal report with a purpose to get some opinions from some other web designers, and great web designers I might add. I was actually posting it for one person, but I thought I might ask all of you. Once I get some more feedback, I might rewrite it and spell check.
Here’s a thought. When you go to a party, (an older people’s party where they just eat and talk and stuff) does everyone there talk with proper grammer? Usually not; and how about at meals in a restaurant with their employers and stuff? Not really, unless they are interviewing. Does that mean that those ideas are not worth listening to? Don’t forget that some of the greatest ideas ever conceived, were developed during a meal in a restaurant. I mean, where do you think the idea of the light bulb was thought up, in Thomas Edison’s lab? No, in the Wendy’s down the street the night before. (that was a joke)
Now I understand where you are all coming from, but I just had to mention that.
Oops! I just posted that and forgot to spell check. I am editing it now to do that.