My trajectories in rr has so much slow

im using the roadrunner resources to creating my autonomous period, and i have so many problems with velocity, even if i set the constants to very high values, the robot keeps moving very slowly, i also notice that everything in the code that is in inches walks much less when it runs, for example, if the code is telling the robot to walk 72 inches, when it runs it walks much less than that, something around 10-15, someone would you help me? thanks.

Your conversion between motor rotation and distance traveled is wrong. Check your gearing and calculations.


bro you are a genius, i ask for help for million people and anyone says this, i really want to test this, can you give me a guide on how I can do this conversion? if there is something in the roadrunner library that i can use

Tell me about your motor, encoder, gear, and wheel setup, as well as what math you’re using to convert between encoder measurements and distance traveled.


im using a hd hex ultraplanetary motor with a 3:1 and 4:1 reductions, i want know how i can calculate the ticks per rev and the max rpm for this configuration. my weight distribuition its not the best, there are a way to fix this in code? or the only way is changing the chassis?

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