Naming the thing

Actually, last season when we got the EDUrobot, our adivsor, Mr Kelly decided it would be a really good idea to get all the documentation and package it together into one bindser so everyone could easily see it all. He got all that printed off and hole-punched, and everything, but the binder was just too plain for Mr Kelly’s taste and he made up a spiffy cover to go onto it. One problem. Instead of typing EDUrobot, he hit EUDrobot. Not too funny to someone who wasn’t there, but we got a few laughs, and to this day it is still the EUDrobot (Pronounced YOOJ-ro-bot).

I call it the thing programing messes with.

personally i call it wooldorf (misspelling of wooldoor from drawn together)
but that hasn’t seemed to catch on with the rest of the team :frowning:

i think your name makes it seem suitable in the next lord of the rings movie :stuck_out_tongue:

i call it edubot

The thing is an EDUbot, and always will be…

In Business, all companies that have a name or product name longer than 3 sylables they are usually abbreviated or given a different name. like US First (you say it all cuz its 3 sylables. and other stuff like that. So, maybe BetaBot could take the place, but Ro-bo-va-tion? thats a long one.

At least thats what i’ve noticed.

EDUbot, the Nationals, and US FIRST (sorry Non-US teams :frowning: ) just learned it that way and prolly will never call it anything different. Just like a mentor used to call a deburring tool, the whirlygig…it just sticks. Also, whirlygig…what a sweet name for a tool.

The new kits come in a plain white box.

eju bot, that is what it says on it, plus it sounds better

I call it the mini-RC, but that’s me :smiley:

To be politically correct, I call it the EDU Bot, but I prefer ‘minibot.’