NASA Internships

Looking for a summer job? Want to work for NASA? Lots of opportunities.
From Animation to biological research, take a look.

OSSI:SOLAR is a NASA-wide system for the recruitment, application, selection and career development of undergraduate and graduate students primarily in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Opportunities for students in other disciplines are available.

Search through the opportunities.
Applications are accepted until March 16, 2012.

Most jobs are looking for College students and my guess is that you will have to be 18 for any job. I posted here hoping some FIRST alumni will be looking for summer opportunities.

I was so excited for this! It had internships at AMES research center, I could work on robots, and I could do it as a sophomore…in college. :frowning:

Darn. I have 4 years to go.

Try searching around a bit. I haven’t checked recently, but some past ideas here: and in this thread.

Thanks a bunch RoboMom! This looks so cool!

NASA is provide internships all those students so doing high school, undergraduate and graduate students with experiences. In NASA invited minimum 16 years old and US citizen. NASA provide lots of opportunity in internship.