nason pressure switch wire

question about wiring pwm wire to nason pressure switch…

the pwm cable is the redblackwhite cable right?so, on the nason pressure switch, are we suppose to cut the pwm cable and attatch the red and black to the nason switch? then we plug the other end into the digitol output?
does anyone have a picture i can see? thannks

Yes, cutting a PWM cable and wiring it to a Digital INPUT on the RC would work just fine.

Sorry, no pics, but you would use the [strike]red[/strike] black (Yes, this is an edit, thank you billbo911… Just changing for accuracy.) and white wires ([strike]power[/strike] (thanks to Don… yeah i really screwed up here :stuck_out_tongue: ) ground and signal.)


The switch, as all switches connected to the Digital inputs, needs to be connected between the Black (gnd) and White (signal) wires.

(ground and signal)