NI just announced this grant opportunity this past Friday (it was also previously referenced in NI Week announcements):National Instruments will provide grants to assist teams participating in the 2013-2014 FIRST LEGO League, FIRST Tech Challenge or FIRST Robotics Competition. Any financial assistance provided by National Instruments should be applied to registration fees, travel expenses, and/or general robot expenses. The Application will open on August 8th, 2013. Applications should be submitted by November 1,2013. Selected teams will be notified by January 10, 2014. see
Awesome thankyou so much for posting this
Yes, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting this! It will certainly push teams in my area to host some LabView seminars, I know a ton of the newer teams in Minnesota use LabView.
One comment:
I see that both FTC and FLL teams can apply as well but this specific grant looks to be more FRC-centric. Some FTC/FLL teams will be done with all of their events by January 10th - I understand it is probably to late to change the application process for this year but I would love to see a PTC-type application process for next year. PTC staggers FTC and FRC grant applications/funding times.
Is there a list somewhere with teams that were awarded grants?
We got our decision via email