National Underwater Robotics Challenge NURC

The competition has been officially announced. We hope to get some FIRST teams in the competition. So far we are the only one with one Jr. college and three university teams. The website is and the mission video sets up the senario. Mission video“carl+hayden”&hl=enWe would really like more FIRST teams to join. The cost is $250. FIRST teams have most of the stuff they need to build an ROV, all that is left to get are some micro lens chip cameras for about $20-30 and some pvc pipe and a some bilge pump motors (12.99 each all you need is three) with some model airplane props. You can use a 100 foot tether to connect your robot controller and your operator interface with. Yes a 100 foot tether works! Please let us know if you are interested. We would love to talk to you. Contact us at [email protected] The competition is June 8-10 in Chandler, AZ. Come on! Were are those die hard FIRST teams who can’t get enough? I know Andy Baker’s team has made an ROV. I need some people to help put some pressure on him to get his team to compete. The event will be webcast live via Arizona State University.
We are also using SketchUp google to pass on the “CAD” files on the mission props so every one can view them and make use of them. We are using the goggle library to post the models. Let us know what you think. Please check us out. Thanks everybody.

Our team had quite an interest in it when it was brought up at last week’s meeting; we probably won’t make an official decision for another week or 2 (I haven’t shown them the whole challenge yet, so that has to be done first).

For now, expect us to be competing with you guys. We need more high schools on that list!

Fantastic! Well, do your best to convince them! We really want FIRST teams to get in this!!

Here is some stuff we did for the MATE competition last year.

Thanks, and please let us know what the team decision is. Thanks!!