Nationals Team Spirit

How ironic was it that the team winning team spirit was not present to receive the award!? On behalf of our team I would like to thank FIRST and the judges for the award. I would also like to thank team 84 for receiving our award for us. Our team was unable to stay for the awards due to our lack of budget and last minute planning that went into nationals.(we only qualified two weeks before nationals) Our team would have missed their flight home if they would have stayed…We are very greatful for our award!!! again thank you to everyone, and sorry we couldn’t receive the award ourselves.

222 Alum.

congrats guys. i was realy hopin my team was gonna win that award (Galileo teams know why… by the way im on team 195), but we didnt so whatever. Nats was an economy sized bucket full o’ fun either way, and i cant wait to go back. lol now i have no voice, i cant hear a thing and i think my ankles are broken from jumpin around all day. hmm thats about it. no, wait. How many of you people saw the hugeeeeee conga line parading around the stadium? Me and my buddies started that and i was wondering if anyone had some pictures of it that they can send to me.

We started out this year with many goals for our team. One of them was to improve our team’s spirit and to win the team spirit award. We did this by attempting to pump everyone up prior to competition by getting the student’s more involved with the team including all sorts of non-robotics related activities. It worked. In year’s past our team was perhaps the quietest team in the stands. We just kinda sat there until it was our match and even then we cheered only sporatically. Our efforts succeeded this year because our team was perhaps the loudest and most pumped team at the Arizona regional. We had mascots, we had a big rotating sign…we were loud…all of this helped us win the team spirit award. (Or so we thought)

Our next regional was at Philadelphia. We were even louder there and more crazy. However, we didn’t get the team spirit award. We couldn’t figure out why not? Then it hit us, the judges don’t base it on how loud the team is or how much they run around being crazy during competitions or what kind of mascot they have. It’s more how much is the team actively involved in the community and what types of team building type activities do they do to get the students involved.

Our third regional at Rutgers, almost our entire team was sick. We couldn’t cheer if we tried. Most of our team had a hard enough time standing. :frowning: Needless to say we didn’t get the team spirit award, however we did get the entrepreneurship award. (Again this was due to our huge community involvement effort to get our students AND community involved with the team)

And finally…Nationals Team Spirit Award.

I guess the Moral of the story is…Team Spirit isn’t just about having a spirited team only during competition time (though it is part of it) but it’s more about bringing spirit to your team all year round.

*Originally posted by Charlie222 *
**we had a big rotating sign

I only got a quick glance at that in Phoenix when you guys were rehearsing. I’d love to see a video of it. Too cool!

From Team 341 we just want to offer our congratulations to the student team and to Fred Harding.

We think you are a great team and you embody the spirit of FIRST. You are True “Gamers” that never quit.

We can’t wait to come to PARC this year.
Let the off-season Begin!!


let’s just say this might not be the gracious professionalism way of getting team spirit, but to make sure our team was ready for nationals, we gave them a little shock therapy:cool: . To see our team awaiting competition check out the link…

as a side note not too many team members were hurt in the shocking…lol

222 Alum