Having a strange issue with NavX. When booting, we some a tiny amount of I2C comms with an O-scope, then both lines go dead. The NavX-MXP library prints out “Read Error” & “Write Error”. Any ideas? The board passes all factory checks, and I’ve re-uploaded firmware to the board.
Hi Aaron,
There was a change in the WPI Library version 2017.3.1 a few weeks ago that slightly changed the API to the I2C interface - teams using C++ and Java were affected by this change. So if you’re running 2017.3.1 eclipse plugins for Java or C++, you’ll want to install this updated RoboRIO library for navX-MXP/navX-Micro.
To respond to this, an updated navX-MXP/Micro library has been released.
- scott
Thanks so much! I bet that’s it!
As a benefit for anyone else with the same issue, updating the NavX & reflashing the NavX with the latest firmware did solve the issue.