Does anyone know when the NavX will be updated for 2023 WPILib? The latest version appears to still be from 2022.
There will be an update. Likely this week, the last I heard. Don’t know much more. Potentially we could get the update from Studica (who owns Kauai now), but not sure if they are making one.
Studica had a beta build
we’ve been using an unofficial 2023 version for now:
I will be completing the build today. This is the link to the beta JSON, which, when updated to 2023.0.1, will be the link for the release.
Edit: This has been updated to 2023.0.1 now
Is there also going to be a release update for Labview users ?
So just to clarify, is this the official release link that should be used now?
Yes, it has also been updated on the FRC docs.
As far as I can tell, the LabVIEW Lib for NavX has not been updated in 3 years. I am not sure if it was intentional or not. I will need to figure out how to get a LabVIEW license, test it, and update the library if required. This will take some time.
If that’s the case, I’ll try to use last years version of Navx for Labview.
It would also be nice to have a way to install the JAVA/C++ libraries in an OFFLINE manner.
I’ve been at events where I couldn’t get wi-fi easily and was glad I had offline installation media.
No immediate rush.
Thank you!
I agree. I will work on deploying this tomorrow.
Edit: It has now been deployed. The install and instructions can be found on the product page: navX2-MXP Robotics Navigation Sensor | Studica Canada - Robotics, Automation Technology for Education and Industry
Is there a link to the Java docs for the latest version for 2023? Want to make see what if anything has changed.
With the original navX discontinued, is the updated firmware in the coming years going to be cross-compatible with the original?
I could share with you one of the team’s licenses for this. DM if this would be enough to keep up with this project.
There was no change, but we are planning some changes. Unlikely that it will be implemented this season, however.
Here is the links to the docs:
C++: navX MXP C++ Class Library for RoboRIO: Main Page
Java: Overview (navx_frc API)
LabVIEW: navX Library
I can’t guarantee that future updates will work on the original navX. If possible, we will release an update if required.
Thanks for the offer, but I contacted First directly to get a license.
I upgraded our 2022 robot project to 2023 libraries and now I’m getting an error that’s crashing the simulator.
navX-Sensor Java library for FRC
Error at com.kauailabs.navx.frc.SimIO.<init>( Unhandled exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'edu.wpi.first.hal.SimBoolea at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.runRobot(
at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.lambda$startRobot$0(
at java.base/
I’ve been using the old library with the 2023 version of labview and have not ran into any issues yet.
Thank you for confirming that