Navx Vendor Library 2024

Hi! I was wondering where I could find the vendor library for navx for 2024. I can only find information for 2023.

You can see a list of vendordeps here:


When I add the library, it tells me that the import can’t be resolved.

import com.kauailabs.navx.frc.AHRS;

Does the code build?

No, it doesn’t build

What is the build failure? Were you connected to the internet after adding the library and while doing the build?

It worked fine for me, so you’re going to have to provide more details and possibly your robot project to be able to troubleshoot. For example, is the Navx.json in the vendordeps folder of your project the 2024 version?

I am having the same problem mentioned. The Navx.json is in the vendordeps folder, but my project does not build. The version of AHRS is 2023.0.4. Is there a newer version that will build correctly?

Did you see the link earlier in this thread?

Thank you. I found the update. I had to uninstall the old one first.


Can you tell me where you found the update, please.

I got it from the 3rd party libraries link above.

Use the link
In “manage vendor libraries.”

Hi @jls667,
Hope you are doing great,
I found it from your previous post.

Thank you!