We just received a new navX2 for a new robot. I just wanted to make aware that the official case does not work with the v4.2. For comparison, it does with the v4.1. Attached are the two versions side by side: some of the pins are not aligned.
Creating an Enclosure | navX-MXP
Processing: IMG_20241022_084309.jpg…
Unless I’m just blind, the only significant things that appear to be different is the dip switches and USB port, the pins look like they’re basically the same to me…
Also, those poor pins, this aught to be tagged #gore or something
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I’d suggest using this case without holes.
We also made a version of that case with a cutout for the mini USB port to use as a secondary source of power.
r/softwaregore maybe?
Just tried this one. The cutouts for the pins are at the same location as the first one, which means it doesn’t fit. The pins are off by a few mm.