NavX2 MXP library calls SendableBase deprecated

We are currently trying to use our new bought IMU NavX2 MXP, however we are having library issues. We currently have installed KauaiLabs_navX_FRC version 4.0.428 and we have tried to use the AHRS class.
However it happens that AHRS class extends class SendableBase, which appears deprecated and hardly obtainable on the web. To the teams still using a NavX2 MXP, we are seeking help on how to correctly use the KauaiLabs library in order to get our IMU to work, eventually getting some values of the gyro. Thank you.

Deprecated does not mean removed. Your code will still compile and deploy with warnings.

You need to use the 2023 library- here is a link to the online install vendor dependency json:

Edit: SendableBase was removed from wpilib in the 2022 version- what version of wpilib are you using?

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Oh, it appears we are using WPI Lib 2023.4.3, what should we do?



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