NE District Info

This evening was an online NE District town hall meeting open to all for listening. Our team planned to listen but due to a team meeting about sponsorships, we missed it. For those that listened PLEASE share anything and all of it! ESPECIALLY ANYTHING NEW!

I have another commitment on Wednesday nights, so I also was unable to be part of the town hall meeting… What was talked about / discussed?

On a related note, can anyone involved in the points system committee speak for how soon the standardized point system will be released? Various e-mails from NE FIRST and FIRST HQ have pointed to a time around the end of October being the time that is all finalized and released… one such e-mail sent on 9/22 said it would be released in the next 30 days (that have since come and gone).

While I do want the system to be well-thought-out and agreed-on, I’m also very eagerly anticipating it! :slight_smile:

At a MAR info meeting last Saturday at Duel on the Delaware, they said it should be out in the next week or two. They also said that it would just be mostly minor changes to the current MAR and FiM systems, but tweaking some scorings so they’re the same between the two.

Last night they said they are getting very close to being able to release the point model so keep an eye on the NEFIRST website, Facebook page, and your email for its release.

Other than that it was mainly a Q&A session mostly with questions relating to the timeline of events themselves with load in, inspection, potential for a few practice matches on Day 1 or potentially Day 0 (not guarunteed), slightly later opening ceremonies on Day 1, and all awards on Day 2.

And I would be willing to bet SOMEONE will post it here within 4 minutes of it’s release.

Shall we place bets on the minutes? I’m betting 3 minutes! :stuck_out_tongue:

We will be posting a summary of the questions and the answers on soon (we just need to finish writing them all up). Once they are posted, we will let everyone know.

With respect to the Points Model - that announcement will come directly from FIRST.

As a reminder… we will be holding another Information Session / Town Hall Meeting for New England FRC teams at 7:30p on Nov.13th.
Registration instructions have been sent to team contacts as provided in TIMS.