NE District Registration Question


I am looking for any historical information as to which event(s) have a higher probability of filling more quickly than others. Obviously we are on the eve of registration, and doing some internal assessment as to see which events we should register for first.

Hoping those that have been handling their team registering for a while will have some apriori knowledge.

I am most interested in Waterbury, Hartford, and all MA events with respect to how quickly they may fill from past experience.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

WPI (wk 2) usually fills the fastest due to central location and quality of event. It may be a little less popular this year due to it being a Wed - Fri event.

Waterbury (wk 1) should fill faster than Hartford (wk 5) since DCMP is week 6. But Waterbury only got to 38 teams last year while Hartford was full.

I imagine week 2 and week 4 events will be popular for teams looking to spread out the season and compete every other week (2-4-6).

Overall, I predict many more full events in New England this year. Only 21 openings last year across 10 events.

The order they filled last year:

Granite State - 9 hours
WPI - 20 hours (8am the day after registration opening on Sept 24)

North Shore - Oct 8
Boston Oct 8
UNH - Oct 11
Hartford - Oct 11
Waterbury - Oct 14
Pine Tree - Nov 5
RI - Nov 20
UMass Dartmouth - Feb 24

There was some later fluctuation as teams changed events or additional lots opened up.

Although this is a little late for responding to your question, please keep in mind that if your team has legitimate hardships (school won’t allow out-of-state travel; cannot compete on a certain day due to religious reasons, etc.), that impact which events you want to register for, contact your Regional Director. There may be some ways they can help you.