[NE] Granite State District 2016

An excellent competition. I was impressed with the robot quality, the team preparedness, and the driver performances I saw this weekend. We managed to keep the defenses in (reasonable) working order through most of the competition, and only had to lose the low bar fabric for semifinals on.

I was the crossings referee during finals match two, and here’s why we replayed the match: I clicked the wrong defense button for an autonomous crossing. This meant that for the entire teleoperated period, the lights indicated to the teams an incorrect state of the field.

Congratulations to everybody for a great performance this weekend.

Thank you for a great a job! It is yourself and all other volunteers that make events possible and successful. This event made me not only proud to be a Team 88 Alumni, but a FIRST Alumni. It gets better every year!

HELLOOooooo from the warm south::safety::

What a great event in NH last weekend thanks goes out to all who 

made this happen at Wyndham HS. All teams were super as always in the the
NORTH EAS . I watch the live feed and enjoyed every minute of it. Happy to see some good old NE defense played in this game. Go luck to all of the teams
and congrats to 88, 1831 and 1786 well done OH YEAH :yikes:
TYE DYE for ever MOE::safety::