Need Help Finding a Small Gear

Hey Guys. I need some help trying to locate someone who can either make or sell me a gear.

7-10 tooth
14.5 pressure angle
48 diametrical pitch

most important part IT has to fit on a 2mm Shaft!

Just looked around in the shop and asked some of the manufacturing kids, we don’t have anything that fits your description. We don’t have time to make one for you before we leave today either. Sorry, good luck in finding what you’re looking for.

399th post, they host a great roboprom I hear!


p/n A 1B N48007

7 tooth, 48 DP, 14.5* PA

.0625" shaft (approx 1.6 mm)

depending on how many you need, they range from $2-$5/each

It would be interesting to see if SDP-SI’s small gear and sprocket inventory takes a big dip in January. I know they are frequently out of stock for certain sizes during build season - I’ve had to talk through with their sales people what they have in inventory in order to get the right gear ratios.

I have that exact gear and its not even close to fitting on a 2mm shaft.

if you can find what you’re looking for on either mcmaster or msc, they both have warehouses down here in atlanta, in fact they’re right across the street from each other! :stuck_out_tongue:

Then you need to make it fit on a 2mm shaft. If it needs to be a press fit, you need to make sure exactly what size the shaft is, then figure out exactly what size the hole in the gear needs to be, and drill it. It might be wise to practice drilling and measuring small holes in something else of the same material first, so you can make sure that you’ll get it right.

Usually a press fit has a few thousandths of an inch interference (that’s about 0.1mm) so you need to drill out the hole in the gear that much smaller than the shaft.

I’m with squirrel here… I don’t see how the bore being ~0.4mm too small is that big of a deal, just make it bigger. We regularly do this with our equipment, granted, this is a pretty small gear, which makes it harder, but still.

This looks exactly like a pinion for a RC motor - You should be able to find one at a well-stocked hobby store or an on-line store such as

These have the shaft size and pitch, but I don’t know about the pressure angle.

The above user sppears to be in Atlanta, so you may be alble to obtain the gear quickly.

Check with the machine shop in the rear of the pit area. They may be able to drill and ream for a correct press fit. Good Luck!:slight_smile: :slight_smile: