Need help, talon srx labview coding

the drive train is working however the other motors are not even though we referred to the software manual to make the code and don’t know the issue. We dont see anybody else experiencing this issue so if anybody could help.

Hi Alex. Welcome to Chief Delphi.

Maybe start with what you are observing versus what you are expecting?

We are getting blinking orange, no response, on any motor controllers other than the working drivetrain (blinks green/red with throttle)


Can you answer these questions first?

  1. Are your Talon SRX motor controllers set up in CAN mode (each motor controller serially hooked up) or with PWM (each motor controller connecting directly to the roboRio?

  2. Do you have the other motors opened up in

  3. What buttons do you have mapped to each of the other motors?

  4. Can you take a screenshot of each of the following:,, and (This is purely selfish, as I don’t currently have Labview to be able to open your block diagram.)

  1. CAN
    2)We have 8 total mcs wired but cant even get that single motor code to work
  2. we dont have any motors mapped to buttons but another joystick instead
  3. Dropbox - Labview frc screenshots - Simplify your life

Without confirming with our programmers, I believe your motor constants are not correct in Instead of ‘0’, ‘1’, ours read ‘PWM0’, ‘PWM1’ etc. from a drop-down list-box constant. The number corresponds to the CAN ID of the talons. Best way I found to do a constant is to right-click the input terminal of the vi and select ‘create constant’. That way you’re ensured that the correct type is created.

This is correct if you are using PWM, but for CAN Talons, the constants will be just a number.

Have you gone through and given each Talon a unique ID through the RoboRIO webpage? They may all still have the default ID set. From what I can tell, your code looks good and should do what you want it to.

yup and updated each one’s firmware. I even referred to the software manual and it says it is right too, but all we get is blinking orange, unresponsive motors controllers (besides the working drivetrain)

Sounds like something on the CAN bus isn’t communicating correctly. Could you explain how you have your Talons wired on the CAN bus just as a sanity check? There could be a bad crimp somewhere after your second Talon, or the termination resistor could be in the wrong position.

In your, can you check and see if your CAN constants are wired to the right input terminal.

If you used the labview “broom” (last icon on the top icon button menu) to clean up the diagram, you may see that the can id constant is wired to the “master id device number” as opposed to the “device number”

The master id device number is used if the mode is selected to slave.

Cecil, I believe we do not have the termination resistor you are referring to. Is this an extra components to add to the CAN network ?

Termination resistors are present in a few control system components required on the robot. One such device is the RoboRIO, and the other is in the Power Distribution Panel. When wiring the CAN bus, it is a good practice to start the bus at the RoboRIO, add Talon SRX controllers and a Pneumatic Control Module (if required), then end the chain at the PDP. On the PDP itself, there is a small jumper that can set the termination resistor on or off, depending on if it is on the end of your CAN network.

Alex stated that he updated the firmware and assigned proper ids to the devices, this would indicate the can is wired, and working.

Seeing the current code is only working with one motor “arm”, yet you have mulitples wired, can you check with the webpage, “Flash LED” and make sure your arm motor is wired to the srx you that is that you assigned for arm.

Were you able to check the terminals?

yeah that may be the problem, thats why its blinking orange, it can’t find the right id

Thank you guys for your help !!! Alex
Mentioned that he believe one of the answer made sense and he went to our lab to test… He just text me that it worked !!! Im sure he will be posting his results here in a minute… Smart kid !!!

Good to hear! Good Luck this year.

Glad to hear that it worked. I was just about to post that the code looks good, so it must be hardware! =)