start with simple stuff… in our video, the animation routines and methods get more complex as the video goes on. For practice, try just making an object spin around in a deep-space scene. Then try to make an object in a deep space scene revolve and rotate around a sphere with a planet texture.
This year FIRST wants each team to create an animation describing an aspect of FIRST and how it relates to their team. The best way to start would be to right down things that FIRST represents or does, then go from there, writing down ideas that relate to the aspect, etc. You can draw a story board first, or you can draw it after your animation, before might be better, but you must have a storyboard or your animation will not be judged. If you have any more ?'s e-mail me at [email protected]
continuing with that there is no right idea. So what first means to your team… If that’s robots that show the robot doing it’s task. If it’s collaboration then show have to decide what robotics means to your team…that’s all.
this whole ‘animation thing’ is basically one way for a team to ulatize their creative talents. Typically animation apeals to more
artistic or creative or computer people. The purpose of the animtion is somewhat misleading.
It is mainly to say what first means to your team. In the rules it gives somewhat specific examples…mentorship…collaboration…teamwork…robots…safety. Basically anything goes. For any teams that realy want to know more…you must watch the dvd sent out with the pre-kit. It came with 3ds max…and explained why the criteria for the animation is the way it is.
So to sum up animtion it goes like this: on team…six weeks…must produce a storyboard conceptualize an idea and using 3ds max (animation software) illustarte what aspect of first appeals to your team and do so in under 30 seconds.
Try to not focus your animation just around what your robot does on the playing field. Though they cna look really cool, judges have see it done onver and over again (so have I ) and it tends not to score too high, take a look at winning animations in the past, that should help you.