need help

hye everybody…
i new here and i’m from malaysia
i hope anybody can help me to make programme for Hitachi® HM55B Compass Module
i used software microcode sstudio plus
i really hope anybody can help me:)

Which language are you trying to use?

You see, most of us know only C, C++, or Labview. Despite the name of this forum, Delphi isn’t widely known here. Some may know it, but the forum is devoted to discussion of the FIRST Robotics Competition. The forum gets its name from one of the teams in said competition, who is (tense?) sponsored by Delphi Automotive.

We may still be able to help. What are you working on?

the language is PICBasic
its much closer to basic stamps
i jund dont understand
like other analog component
we just can convert it to digital just get the value
like range sensor
but i doont know abaout hitachi module compass
i’m still studying and this is of part my final project

The document I linked in your electrical post explains the programming pretty well and has BasicStamp code for the device.

Continue discussion in the other thread.