need joysticks!

we have run into a problem. An idiotic team member broke four of our flight sticks from prior years. Now, we only have one of those, and 2 right handed joysticks. We need to use one of those for our arm. We ordered new joysticks, but when they arrived, they did not have a trim wheel. We calibrated the speed controllers, but these things are so off that when we go into autonomous mode, when we set the motors to neutral, they drive backwards 50%… We have very little time to get new joysticks, so i was wondering if any team had 1 flight stick they arent using that we could borrow/have. This would be a great contribution and we would be sure to repay you in some way.


I just want you to know we have several extras from previous years and I will ask the team tommorrow wether they would want to donate one. We’re also using the Flightsticks this year since the drivers preferred them over this years (we started with this years). I do know my team would definitely like to keep some for spares in case something happens to ours and for possibly operating last years robot. I or someone from my team will let you know by tommorrow night.

thank you… 237 has been such a big help this year. first the motor mounts and now this.


If they cant we should be able to just PM me to let me know

I am about to win a bid for a new joystick on ebay for 1$. You might want to try the same thing

It’s called Gracious Professionalism. :slight_smile: What’s even better is that we are within a half hour or less of each other.

Problem easily solved. Go to your local comp USA/Best buy/Frys/Circuit city/Microcenter/Walmart etc and buy whatever joystick you want. ANY non-usb joystick will work.

Is tribe also going to NJ?

yeah we also dont have 20 dollars each for 4 new joysticks
also, no one carries game port accesories anymore

That’s not true. Many newer gameport joysticks do not follow the gameport standard. If the box says windows only (or doesn’t mention dos) in the system requirements, then it probably won’t work.

Another indication that it probably won’t work is if it has more then 8 switches or more then 4 analog inputs. Another is that is has a “pass through” to allow you to connect multiple joysticks to it.

I just want you to know that team 237 TRIBE will be delivering you a joystick sometime tommorrow. We asked the team tonight and they said they were willing to donate since we have several spares.

If you still end up needing joysticks team 521 would be glad to give up our surplus of joysticks, i belive i rember you guys had a small problem with them at the scrimmage, pm me if you still need them.

Yes, The T.R.I.B.E. from CT is going to NJ this year!

I have the joystick and will be delivering it sometime today, I just hope I can deliver it without knowing anyone’s name on the team… yeah, I forgot about that!! lol Well, actually I know Ben’s name cause of his AKA bio on CD.

Oh well, I will just stop by the main office at SHS and have someone paged (hopefully).

If anyone from team 195 sees this before i show up, IM me on AIM at the s/n Podquard for more details.

elgin check your PM’s… i cant get on AIM at school

Ok, thanks for the PM.
I should be there around 11-11:30 am or so with your spiffy flight stick!!