Getting this infamous error on SYSID, when inputting data into data selector.
We found the issue to be not enough data being populated within the enabled timeframe, as seen in this spreadsheet: WPILog for 11/14/2024 - Google Sheets
Important columns to look at:
- “voltage-drive-back-left-Drive”
- “velocity-drive-back-left-Drive”
- “position-drive-back-left-Drive”
The values are only populated at certain timestamps, and most of them are all bunched at the last second? Could the problems be the refresh rates for the logging and sending of data? If anyone needs more screenshots of our WPILIB code, let me know in the comments.
Also, our test duration cannot be changed in SysID, the slider is not moving.
This data would be easier to read in AdvantageScope, which can read and plot wpilog files. Drag the data you’re using to the appropriate axes, and drag the test state to “Discrete Fields”.
The prints in SysId’s data selector window imply you only ran one test: quasistatic forward. To get valid data, you have to run all four tests in succession before stopping logging. If you restart the logging for each test, you’ll only end up recording the last test run.
This docs page has some warnings about this: Running the Identification Routine — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation
Sorry for the late response, We did run the tests in succession, however, we were only able to see one of the results when we looked in SysID, we also converted our WPILogs to a CSV and are only able to see the data from around 30 frames of one test.