As a pet project I’m thinking of making yet another web based scouting system. One of the things I want to focus on is amazing analysis and display of data. However to do this I need large amounts of detailed scouting data to test with. I’m looking for teams who collected this kind of data (during any season) to send me as much as they can. The more detailed the better and I’ll happily take data files of all shapes and sizes.
Aside from you helping a random dude do more FIRST stuff, why should use bother getting a database dump? I’m going to be developing this project open source. If you’ve ever wanted more from your scouting database/spreadsheet/website/other send me your data so I can make one for you.
I don’t know how much you were involved with the scouting collaboration between our teams this year, but the system we used was web-based too and open-source. Feel free to it check out Gemini and use it for inspiration, or fork it and contribute pull requests back.
I want as much data as possible especially multiple years. One of my design priorities is that as little as possible should change between years. Specifically that the analysis tools developed don’t need to be rewritten at all.
I haven’t personally used Gemini much although I’ll take a closer look at it. I’d be very interested in a dump of the info you collected though.