[NEFRIST] Boston District Event

Being just a few short days away, 1073 is gearing up for the Boston District event. Looking at the teams list, it’s going to be quite a battle for the blue banner. Who else is excited?

I’ll be there! On the field keeping everything ahead of schedule.
But without my team 1153 :frowning: so I guess you all are my teams :slight_smile: .
With the castle hat! It needs a few small robots to SCALE the TOWER!

I didn’t see this thread until just now, but I noticed someone with a castle hat and thought “that is the best hat ever!” All the volunteers did a great job at the event!

Team 1768 would like to thank the PVC Pirates 1058 for choosing to set sail with us and playing the perfect game! We would also like to thank Phalanx 5563 for being the ultimate breaching alliance partner. And our hat’s off to alliance partner 5969 English Skunkworks who unfortunately had an electrical issue and had to drop out (we have been there, 5969!)

The finals were incredibly exciting, close, high scoring matches! A thrill for all!

Thank you to 125, 238, and 2079 for pushing us to the limit. And thanks to 125 and all the Boston staff for all the hard work in hosting the event!

Here’s a playlist of the number one seeded alliance’s playoff run: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZLUp4uEvyCFbUfxggP4EMQYVGYtGRhQh

Thank you 2877 Ligerbots for posting the videos. Check out their page for more videos!

On another note: proud alumni of 1058! This is definitely the best year the team has ever had. It’s been a joy to watch them.

1058 has had one of the most impressive seasons I’ve seen in my few short years in FIRST, and the season isn’t over yet. Huge congrats to you guys for all of the accomplishments this season.

Thanks for the playlist Jay. Team 1768 was unbelievably excited to be the 1 pick by 1058. The finals matches were some of the best I’ve ever been a part of.

Should be “best hat so far!” :wink: Thanks :blushes:, and thanks from all us volunteers.