Net Worm uses Google to Spread

I’m sure most of you already saw this on Slashdot.

I’m kinda sketchy on the details, as I’m busy in the middle of upgrading my phpBB install, but it seems pretty dangerous. A lot of sites have already been defaced.

I know some team sites use phpBB or atleast PHP to run their site, so make sure its secure. (Rumors are that is actually a PHP exploit compounded by the recent highlight exploit in phpBB.) :cool:

Isn’t that just an exploit to the problem posted about here?

This is not a rumor.

There is a known exploit in PHP itself (the programming language). You should upgrade all servers to at least PHP version 4.3.10 and Zend Optimizer to version 2.5.7.

However, these are completely separate issues. Just upgrading PHP on the servers to the current version will not fix exploits in PHPbb.


Man oh man, is that what happened to our site?

That doesn’t look very fun.

edit: It looks like our speedy admin is already on it.

I saw this on monday. I was visiting

At first I thought it was a thing blocking the website from the school.

(I was at my high school on my computer account that is still active even though I graduated from there in June…)

They fixed the site the next day.

Yes it is. Here’s quick patch information, you should just need to fix that one file:



A reminder to all users of php-BB. UPDATE. It’s still out there and will come back.

Ah yes, I heard about this awhile ago here.

I haven’t heard too many details about the actual PHP exploit, but I don’t think it affects too many people.

Man some people have way too much time on thier hands. I sure hope our website doesn’t get infected.